Ever thought of growing your own garden? What about a healing garden? Well did you know that anybody can grow Mother Nature’s natural healing herbs? All you need is a small amount of land-anywhere from five to ten feet, depending on how many different kinds of herbs you want to grow-that receives at least six hours of sunlight a day.
Once you’ve selected an area, it’s time to prepare the soil. Your soil must have the right chemical balance. You can do this by buying a pH kit at your local nursery or home improvement store’s garden section. The term pH stands for the level of acidity or alkalinity of your soil. Herbs grow best in a soil that ranges from 6.0 to 8.0. If your soil’s pH is too high, lower the level by adding peat moss or mulch. To raise the pH level, add lime or ground sulfur to the soil.
Next, you have to plan your garden. For instance, some herbs require more shade than others. Plant these herbs away from the sun, behind taller plants. It can be any can of plant or shrub, if you don’t have any herbs to use. Plant taller herbs in the back of the garden and the shorter herbs in the front so the taller plants will never block the sun, or just plant the herbs that are most often use in the front.
The planting season for most of North American begins after the last frost has passed, sometime in the early spring. Those living in the southern area can plant at almost anytime of the year, although fall is recommended. That way the plants have time to root and prosper before the hot summer months arrive. You can buy many of the more common herbs from a nursery or you can start with seeds. For the more uncommon plants that are not yet available in your local nursery, you may have to take a cutting from a mature wild plant. Don’t take a cutting unless you are certain of what the plant is. Many plants resemble each other, and some are toxic!
What do you do if you want the benefits of fresh herbs, but you live in an apartment, or the climate where you live is not appropriate for an outdoor garden? You simply bring the garden indoors!